South Crofty Photos

Photos July 2024 - 2nd Phase Shaft Refurbishment

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Photos July 2023 - 2nd Submersible Pump Installation

Pre-commissioning of pipes leading from submersible pumps in NCK shaft to the Water Treatment Plant Click to Enlarge
Manifold completion at NCK shaft Click to Enlarge
Water being pumped through the water discharge tank and being re-circulated into the old mine workings during pump commissioning Click to Enlarge

Photos June 2023 - 1st Submersible Pump Installation

Hoisting the KSB submersible pump into vertical position under the NCK Headframe Click to Enlarge
Positioning the submersible pump over the installation guide at NCK shaft Click to Enlarge
The submersible pump being lowered into NCK shaft Click to Enlarge

Photos May 2023 - Progress Mine Water Treatment Plant

Aerial view looking northwest of the water treatment plant with walkways being assembled Click to Enlarge
Side view of the water treatment plant looking southeast Click to Enlarge
Installation of escape ladder and discharge pipes into Middle Engine Shaft Click to Enlarge
Removing the Gallows from NCK headframe Click to Enlarge

Photos 2022 - Start Construction Mine Water Treatment Plant

The shuttering and steel reinforcement for the concrete foundation slab for the Water Treatment Plant Click to Enlarge
The first section of concrete poured Click to Enlarge



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