Stock Information

Symbol TSX-V: CUSN
Last C$
Day High C$
Year High C$
Bid C$
Market Capitalization C$
Open C$
Day Low C$
Year Low C$
Ask C$
Change $(%)
As of
Symbol AIM: CUSN
Last p
Day High p
Year High p
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Year Low p
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Change p(%)
As of

Share Capitalization

As of Monday, 22 July 2024
Ticker Symbols TSX-V:CUSN and AIM:CUSN
Issued and Outstanding Shares: 535,270,712
Options: 5,150,000 @ $0.10 (to expire August 19, 2025)
Options: 11,000,000 @ 18p (to expire July 17, 2028)
Options: 800,000 @ 18p (to expire September 30, 2028)
Warrants: 225,000,000 @ 27p (to expire May 24, 2025)
Fully Diluted: 777,220,712
Directors 2.49% for a total of 13,336,230 shares
Vision Blue Resources 25.95% for a total of 138,888,889 shares
Barkerville (wholly owned subsidiary of Osisko Development) 7.75% for a total of 41,479,833 shares
CUSIP 21948L104
ISIN CA21948L1040

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